Thursday, September 27, 2018


Image result for Christine Blasey Ford

Women are inherently deceitful.  They will lie repeatedly to bring down powerful men and increase their own finances and social standing.  This is one of the core beliefs of Donald Trump.  After the release of the Access Hollywood tape in which he bragged about sexually assaulting women, nineteen different women came forward and accused him of assaulting them in much the same manner that he was heard talking about.   He immediately said they were all lying, threatened to sue them, and, of course, even publicly insulted the physical appearance of one of them.  Later, when serious allegations of his extra marital affairs with a porn star and a Playboy centerfold and his possibly illegal payoffs to those women arose, he again shrugged them off.  More women just lying, as we all know they always do. 
And those are just the women he believes are lying about him.  He has also expressed sympathy for sexual harassers Bill O'Reilly and Roger Aisles, his former Staff Secretary Rob Porter, who abused his ex wife, and Senatorial candidate Roy Moore, who was credibly accused of having sexual contact with teenage girls.  He openly endorsed Moore, again shrugging off the accusers; even more lying women.   
Which leads to the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination.  With his long history of Republican partisanship   and conservative pedigree, along with the slim but strong majority his party holds in the Senate, it looked like he would be an easy lock for the court.  But now, three women have come forward to allege that in his high school and college days, Kavanaugh drank heavily and assaulted girls or tried to get them under the influence of drugs and alcohol so that he could take advantage of them. Christine Blasey Ford claims that he himself assaulted her, while the two other women describe his aggressive behavior when drunk.  He has, for his part, denied the whole thing, and the Republican party has either said they believe him, or that it happened a long time ago, so who cares?  (Which, of course, means that he's lying in his denial). Remember that Kavanaugh was a spoiled prep school athlete, and he has admitted to over drinking in both high school and college.  Is the notion that his drunken behavior often led to assaulting girls, or treating them like meat for the taking, all that far fetched? 

According to Trump they are; as expected, he has defended Kavanaugh and, while not he did not outright call these women liars, he has claimed that the Democrats are pulling "a con job." “People want fame, they want money, they want whatever.” he said in a recent press conference.  There's one small problem to this: despite what Trump wants to believe,  decades of studies have shown that the people who make accusations of rape or sexual assault are very rarely lying.  In fact, most cases go unreported, or, as in the case of Ford's accusations, are made years later, after much suffering and pain.  The notion that Ford is doing this just for money or fame is absurd: she was reluctant to come forward, knowing that the media attention would often be critical (or downright insulting), but she still felt that she should be heard.  And she and her family has inevitably been hit with death threats, something that Trump naturally, hasn't mentioned, because any sympathy he feels is for the "very outstanding"  Kavanaugh, not Ford. 
As it stands, it looks like Kavanaugh will weather this storm and the narrow Republican majority in the Senate will vote to put him on the court for the rest of his life.  This means that a president who has been accused of multiple sexual assaults may put on the court another accused assaulter who very well may rule to overturn a woman's right to an abortion in this country, joined in that opinion by justice Clarence Thomas, another man accused of sexual harassment.  And the Republican party will be enshrined not just as a safe place for bigots and homophobes, but also for misogynists. 

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