Wednesday, February 14, 2024



Yesterday the US House of Representatives disgraced themselves by following the lead of a one term former president who's currently under indictment on over 90 separate felony charges.  Yes, by a margin of just one vote, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, was impeached by the House.  Never before in American history has a serving cabinet secretary ever been impeached like this, and to make matters worse, no actual constitutionally mandated charges of high crimes and misdemeanors have been proven against him.  

 Oh sure, the Republicans say they have their reasons, but this is really just a symbolic gesture.  For Mayorkas to be properly impeached, there would have to be a two thirds vote against him in the Senate,  and  there's no way that the Democratically controlled Senate would do that.  But none of that matters, this is, as I said before, just a case of Donald Trump's lackeys bowing to his orders.  Put simply, the twice impeached former president wants revenge, and since the House's impeachment investigation of President Joe Biden has provided no charges, why not take it out on Mayorkas?  And along with revenge, the impeachment also throws red meat to the Republican base by letting house members go after a Biden administration official who's position has him dealing with Trump's signature issue, our Western border.  

It shows how hypocritical the Republican party has become that, after voting against a conservative border bill that Biden would have signed, and that would have done something about our border crisis, the party is going after Mayrokas for, you guessed it, not doing enough about the border!  But this is where we are: conservatives are  saying that the border crisis is both an immediate threat and something that can't be dealt with before the election.  Trump feels that dealing with the issue would be seen as a win for Biden, so he would prefer that the problem remain unsolved until he's back in the White House.  He's also said that he hopes that the economy crumbles soon,  because he puts America first.

Once again, Trump has lowered the standards of this country, and now impeachment, which was one seen as a last resort against corruption, has become just another political tool to be used against a rival party.  Honestly, I often wonder if America will ever be the same even after Trump is long gone.  The crimes he's been accused of, the despicable racist things he's said publicly, and the level of corruption and ineptitude he had as president has hurt the future of our country, maybe for good.

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