Friday, June 28, 2024



After a mostly sleepless, worrisome night, I awoke to read the analysis of last night's presidential debate with a sense of dread.  No, I wasn't just being a paranoid progressive; Biden's performance really was a disaster.  How bad?  As the podcasters on Crooked Media pointed out in their post debate obituary, there was a moment when Biden, after being served up the issue of abortion, pivoted to the issue of immigration, going from his strongest issue to one of his weakest!   This may rank as the worst presidential debate performance in TV history.  The only upside may be that Trump was still unlikable to most viewers.  But that wasn't enough in 2016 and it probably won't be enough this year.

I should mention that it pains me to dump on Joe Biden.  In terms of policy, I agree with nearly everything he has done as president: he passed an infrastructure bill, the Chips Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, which did more to fight climate change than anything done by any previous president.  He appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court, and put environmental regulations in place that will reduce lead poisoning and air pollution.  And he's supported Ukraine after the horrible Russian invasion.

And he's one of the most likable politicians ever: he's a good husband and father who has stood by his son Hunter despite all of his troubles.  His bromance with Barack Obama when Biden was Vice President produced some really fun political moments.  And the viral clip of him encouraging a young boy with a stutter like he  himself once had is one of the sweetest things you'll ever see.

But as endearing as Biden is, this is no time for sentiment.  Trump poses a truly existential threat to American democracy, with his plans to use the Justice Department to persecute political enemies while deporting millions of undocumented immigrants that would  tear apart families and wreck the economy. Trump must lose, and I can't see Biden beating him.  Not after a debate performance that was often painful to watch.  There comes a time in almost every person's life, if they live long enough, where they must step aside to let someone younger take their place.  That time for Biden is now.  Sorry Joe, you did a great job in your one term, but please step aside for the good of the world.


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